Police & Fire:

For emergencies or when in doubt, always call 911.

Non-Emergency Police:

Police Reports:

File a Police Report 


Fire Department Hotline:

City Contacts:

City Website:

City of Fort Worth Public Call Center:

MyFW App:

Download Here

The City of Fort Worth has an app to report a service request or code compliance issue. Tracking is available within the app.

Other Services:

Crestwood Trash Collection Day is Wednesday. Bulk pick up is the last week of the month (pick up is any time Monday - Friday).


As of fall 2023, City of Fort Worth has two capital projects planned for the Crestwood neighborhood: North Bailey, Crestwood, Lindenwood and Oaklawn Area Water and Sewer, project 103361 [link to City project page], and Rockwood Area Water and Sewer Improvements, project 103362 [link to City project page].

The City maintains a page on its website with updated information and contacts for each project. The neighborhood association has supported communication with newsletter articles and announcements and may continue to send email updates.

“The best way to stay informed about each of these important projects, which may produce street and other disruptions, is to review the City project page (links above) and subscribe to updates. That way you’ll be notified directly when the City conducts its community meetings on the project,” said Kathy Kelly, Crestwood volunteer, who’s monitored project developments. “There you can also find the names of project contacts with the City, for follow up on specific questions.”


The Citizens on Patrol/Security committee of the Association operates a citizen-volunteer crime watch called Crestwood Crime Patrol and works with the Fort Worth Police Department in an effort to reduce crime in the neighborhood and educate residents about crime prevention.

Citizens on Patrol programs like the city's Code Blue: Citizens on Patrol have been credited as a primary factor in decreasing Part 1 crimes in Fort Worth, especially those of theft, burglary, and auto theft.

Members of Crestwood's Citizens on Patrol serve as observation-force multipliers, taking crime watch to the next level by making it mobile. Some of our members drive their vehicles. Others ride their bikes or walk 'the Crestwood beat.' 

Serving with our citizens on patrol is one of the most important things you can do as a Crestwood resident.  A few hours of your time every month can make a powerful and positive difference to the quality of life in the neighborhood.

Click here for more information about the Patrol and access to brochures that offer a wealth of information about how each of us, every day, can help keep ourselves, our families, and our properties safe.   

Please contact our Patrol Captain or our NPO (Neighborhood Police Officer) to discuss crime watch in Crestwood or to share concerns about suspicious activities or persons.

Frank Diaz, Patrol Captain 817-909-0947;

Oscar Moncada, NPO 817-944-2725;

In an emergency, call 911.

For non-emergency response, call 817-392-4222


Residents of Crestwood and nearby neighborhoods (e.g., Idlewild) can register (or update) their household pets with the Association. A pet on the registry may be identified if lost or roaming, and the owner notified. Please register each pet separately, using the form below.

If you find a pet or if your pet is missing, contact us with the following information:  Pet description, where pet was found, and a photo, if possible, and your contact information.

The Pet Registry Committee has an animal ID chip scanner; the volunteers may be able to reunite owner and pet if the pet carries a chip. 

To contact Pet Registry volunteers, or to volunteer yourself for this important work, email

Crestwood neighbor with dog on July 4
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